Thursday, April 7, 2016

Murals or Street Arts @ Tiong Bahru

Continuing on my little series on murals in Singapore. This time round I went to one of the most hip neighborhood, Tiong Bahru. The murals in this area are all around the Tiong Bahru Market, so you can based near the market, have a nice meal and continue to the rest of the murals.

Sadly, the famous giant rooster mural is no longer found in Tiong Bahru, for some reasons it has been removed. But fret not, with the old gone, new murals have sprang up recently, and here is a look at them.

These 3 separate goat murals can be found around the Tiong Bahru Market. With the first two found around the perimeter and the last one found inside the market, at the center staircase that leads up to the hawker centre.

And since you are around the market place, you will find some other murals at level 1. They are so huge you won’t miss it.

This piece of art is painted on each side of the middle staircase.


Just opposite the peacock mural, you will find this piece.

Time to move out from the market and explore some other murals in the vicinity.


If you have seen the murals in Everton Road, you will find the next 3 murals with similar touches. It is because there are painted by the same Mr Yip Yew Chong.

This mural reminds me so much of my dad, who used to love sitting under the void deck with his friends, drinking their kopi o, listening to the birds chirps, and talking about life.

If the Barber mural is my favorite in Everton Road, then this Home mural is my favorite in Tiong Bahru.

Pasar & the Fortune Teller
When I first came across this mural, it was just half done as you can see in the first picture, but one week later, the mural is almost done. Can’t wait to go back again and see the final completed art.

Goats – Tiong Bahru Market
Peacock – Tiong Bahru Market
Neighborhood – Tiong Bahru Market
Goldfish – Blk 28 Tiong Bahru Road
Birdcage – Blk 71 Seng Poh Road
Home – Blk 74 Tiong Poh Road
Pasar & the Fortune Teller – Blk 73 End Watt Street


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