Friday, February 14, 2014

No One More Special Than You

Don’t read on if you are allergic to mushy words. But if you are Kless, please do read!











This year is the 21st time we are celebrating Valentine’s Day together. How time flies and may I say 21 years is like a significance of the maturity of our love for one another, be it good or bad times.

Sometimes I wonder, being together for a long period before we got married, was a plus for marriage. Did we have enough time to grow individually before making the decision to merge and cleave? Would our lives be different? Honestly, I do not know and maybe it’s not important at all. The fact is we are happily married, with two wonderful children and we are still very much in love with one another.

Too bad I don’t have the photos of our beginning years but these are significant enough to see how far we have we walked together. Being a diehard LFC fan as you know me to be, the motto of YNWA is truly apt to describe my feelings towards you. In whatever situation, you can be sure we will be walking together.

Ready for the walk down memory lane? Just for the records, Kless you always are the most beautiful woman I have met and I will love you forever!











As cliché as it can be, here are the reasons why I love you:

You are always there to provide support for all my decisions. Some may not be good but you are always kind towards me and point out my wrong attitudes in a loving manner. You never make me lose heart in what I do and encourage me on all the time.

Loyalty is not about how long one has been with another, it is about how much one has sacrificed for another. You may not have talked about it much, but I know and will forever remember all the sacrifices you have made for me. Love.

I don’t know why and how, but you are always able to voice out my mind or thoughts, better than I planned to. Whenever I am lost for words, you are always there to rescue me. Never leaving me alone to be a fool and I am so thankful for that.

You may not agree on this point, but when you smile it is always so sweet and captivating.

I probably have not told you before, but you are definitely very special to me. Sometimes we may not talk much when we are together, but whenever I am alone or with friends and you are not there, I can’t help but will always think of you and wished that you were there with me. Like it or not, I’m going to be there with you always! =p

Happy Valentine’s Day. I love you!


This post is part of a Valentine's Day series, brought to you by Daddy Matters (

Click on the daddy Matters pic to read all the 14 valentines’ story. Some may be mushy, touching, dramatic, insightful, but all are written straight from the hearts of a group of thankful and loving men.


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  1. This is so sweet, dear. Thank you for loving me. To many, many, many, many years more. :)

    1. Many, many, many, many, many years to come!! <3

  2. I agree Bro, both of you are always so sweet towards each other.
    Wishing you and Klessis many many many more Happy Valentines together :)


    1. Thanks Bro! Doing our best to impart the sweetness to my girls too! =)

  3. Kotows to 21 years of relationship You guys look the same throughout the years . Well maintained : )

  4. All these pictures of u look so familiar. Good to see that we are both blessed to have good wives! :)
