Tanglin Halt - one of the oldest estates in Singapore! Affectionally known to the older generation as chup lau chu (十楼) in Hokkien.
Earlier this year, we had the chance to follow a guided photowalk by Singapore Instagram (SGIG), and it was such an eye opener and also emotional to hear that an amazing part of Singapore's history will soon be gone (probably 1-2 years' time).
The 10-storeys HDB flats were built in the 1960s and has been confirmed to be part of the Housing's Board Selective En Bloc Redevelopment Scheme (SERS) in 2014. Much of what we can see now, including the famous Tanglin Halt Market will be demolished by 2024.
A few interesting places to check out if you are planning to go for walk in Tanglin Halt.
1. Photo spots at Block 89, 90 and 91.
These flats are 40-storeys tall! But don't just view it from the bottom up, take the lift at Block 91 and check out the view from the top!
2. Museum @ My Queenstown
3. Liang Yew Beauty Salon
A shop that seems to have been frozen since the 1970s. Sadly, the salon is no longer in business, and who knows when will the block be demolished. If you are keen to visit and take some nostalgic photos, don't delay any further. You can find it at Block 39 Tanglin Halt Road.
4. Church of the Blessed Sacrament
Officially opened on 9 May 1965, the church is Queenstown first Catholic Church and has been awarded conservation status by URA in 2005.
One lesser known fact of this building, is the layout of the iconic blue tiled roof. If you are able to see it from a top down view, you will be able to see that the roof structure is designed to be a cross shape.
5. Wessex Estate
First constructed in the 1930s as residential estates for non-commissioned British personnel, this estate has a vibe of "semi-retired" feels. The colonial-style residential estate currently house 26 blocks of walk-up apartments and 58 semi-detached houses.
Available units for rental can be found on JTC's website.
While you are in Wessex Estate, look out for this abandoned water tank sitting on a hill top.
6. Colbar Cafe

The indoor seats are limited but you get the nostalgic feel. If not, the outdoor seats are plenty for bigger groups.

7. Railway Corridor