Media Invite & Giveaway
Treat or trick? For once, I will give you both treat and trick!!
If you have read my wife’s blog about our recent trip to Sentosa Trick Eye Museum, then you knew that it was definitely an well received trip for the girls. As expected, it didn’t take too long for them to show their wackiness around the 2D paintings turned into 3D images through the use of optical illusions.

Personally I think all parents should try to bring their children to visit at least once. In the almost square-boxed academic learning environment our children are in in Singapore, a trip to the museum will heighten their sense of creativity and at the same time enjoy fun with exploration. Not be afraid to look “funny” or “ridiculous”.
There are 6 family-based zones to explore within the Museum. Be sure not to miss any of it.
Safari Kingdom

Star of Circus

Dreams of Fairy Tale

Love in Winter

Adventure Discovery

Other interesting shots.

Courtesy of RWS Trick Eye Museum, I have 3 sets of 4 tickets to give away to 3 readers!
If you would like to participate in the giveaway, please fulfill the following criteria:
1. You must be a fan of J Babies’ Dad facebook page. If you are not, you can like us here.
2. You must be a fan of Trick Eye Museum. If you are not, you can like them here.
3. You must like and share this blog post on your Facebook wall with the comment, “Free tickets to Trick Eye Museum!” and tag Isaiah Kuan or J Babies’ Dad, so that I can track your participation.
Closing date of giveaway: Wed, 1 Oct 2014.