Monday, April 9, 2012

How To Stop An Itch?

Back from Darwin, we brought back fond memories with new-found friends, we took more than a thousand photos (Kless and I combined), we bought gifts back for family and colleagues, but we have not planned for this small extra spots… more on other parts of my body..


After more than a week, the itch is still quite unbearable! We used all the anti-itch cream and ointment available at home or recommended by kind souls.

Hydrocortisone 1% (found in all pharmacy, no need for prescription, $2.60)
Nixoderm (available in all leading health and beauty retail shops, $6.90)
Mopiko (can be found everywhere, S2.50)


Results are not too satisfying. I was applying the cream almost every other hour. What is next has never been done in our family, but desperate situation requires desperate measures.

Freshly cut onion used to rub on the itchy marks and later wash off with clean water.


Worked quite well. Itch has stopped when I am writing this blog post. But just to be sure, we used another method found on the web. Cost = S0.20

Rice vinegar bathe. Just use a cotton wool, soak in the vinegar and clean the itchy marks. Wash clean with water. Cost = $1.65


So far so good.

Any other recommendations?


  1. I can take a lot of pain, but I hate the itchy bit. Sandflies bites (cluster) are the worst !
