Monday, March 26, 2012

What Are You Seeing?

Recently I have been listening to preaching on “seeing things in a renewed mind” and “seeing the divine in the natural”. As parents, how are we seeing our kids as compared to other kids around? Do we focus more on their character building or their etiquette manners?

I didn’t notice it when I took these photos, but it turned out to be just the catalyst for this thought. Can you see the difference?



It doesn’t really bothers me that much even though my girl is slightly “tom-boyish” in her actions, she can play so hard sometimes she will forget how to behave like a girl. But more than just outward behaviour, I will be more concerned whether is she growing up with a healthy self-image, understanding that no matter what happens, we are always there for her.


It doesn’t matter if she is down or moody, what matters most is she knows we love her forever.


I love being a father, cos it has been teaching me so many things about life, about giving, about love, about everything! This is truly a life no amount of money can buy.

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