Tuesday, December 28, 2010

To 奶奶 With Love

To the girls, 奶奶 is their best friend. 奶奶 is the one who will play with them, feed them, bathe them, bring them out and buy things for them. I used to feel a bit jealous about it, but have come to realised, it is in fact a great blessing to see such a bond between my mother and the girls. I am blessed to have my mother to be there all the time for us and for the kids. She is more than just a mother, but also a great support and help.

Joey simply adores 奶奶. She has to wait for 奶奶 to be home before she will go to bed, she will reminds us to buy food for 奶奶, she will help 奶奶 answer her calls. Sweet!




It’s the same for Jayne. Especially now when 奶奶 is taking care of her everyday. The bond had grown so much in just 3 weeks. Every night Jayne will ask about 奶奶 before bed, every morning she will knock on 奶奶’s door to let 奶奶 know she is awake. Sweet!



Happy Birthday Mummy! Thanks for all that you have done! YOU are our HERO! Love you always!


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